As far as household inconveniences go, clogged gutters are among the most annoying. Besides creating swampy situations in your yard where there shouldn’t be any and erosion where water is running off, there can also be costly consequences in the form of damage to your home, including your foundation, siding, and roof. Drainage issues lead to backups and full-scale blockages that can pose a direct threat to the health of your home.
Periodic Checks
While it may be tempting to check the gutters yourself and wait on maintenance until your gutters are stuffed to the brim, the reality is: getting on a routine professional maintenance schedule is safer and more effective. Your gutters should be cleaned at least once a year, and possibly as many as three times or more a year, depending on the type and density of your tree coverage. Most commonly, the gutters should be cleaned twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Once you’ve got your maintenance schedule dialed in, you don’t really have to check to find out.
If you do decide to check on your gutters yourself, please remember what we constantly remind our employees: Safety First. There is nothing that you can do that is worth the risk of injury or death. We can’t tell you how many times when people find out that we are in the gutter cleaning business, that they tell us a story about a friend, relative, or neighbor that was on a ladder or on a roof and fell, and either death or serious injury occurred.
Why Bother?
Ask any professional in the business and they’ll tell you the same–prevention is measured in pennies, repairs are measured in big bucks. In the case of home drainage, failing to unclog gutters regularly can lead to leaks, overflows, and ultimately severe damage to your home. From roof leaks to landscape erosion to fascia and soffit board damage, to water intrusion and mold, you could be looking at a bill for thousands of dollars.
Given the relatively few dollars it might cost to keep your gutters in order, it’s a small price to pay for avoiding household disaster!
DIY or Expert Gutter Help?
The million-dollar question – tackle the job yourself or call in the pros?
Technically, there’s nothing to stop you from having a crack at doing the job yourself, if you have the knowledge, equipment, time, and the inclination to do so. If you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, something important might slip by. Costs are all relative as, once again, we’re talking important preventative measures to save you money long-term. If you’re unsure, don’t forget we are always on-hand to do the dirty work for you.
Get a free estimate for help from our expert crews to get your gutters clear.